DEFEND Shorts – Campaign

DEFEND is getting into the film biz!

DEFEND is producing 4 short films, collaborating with film professionals (actors, writers, directors, etc) with our principles and mission in mind, to bring forward, four powerful short stories! We need your help. Our first sample short film is below.

Are you an actor, director, writer or film professional? Email us your resume/reel now!

Want to DONATE and become a SPONSOR?

Visibility as a sponsor in one of the films and/or credits starts with a cash or in-kind donation of $250. Show the world you care about these issues and want to help stop them.

Donate here

WHAT: DEFEND is looking to make an impact on society by reducing risks significantly for children and vulnerable people online. We want to put an END to 30 million more child sex abuse reports on Facebook platforms (or on any social media). We want to tell the stories of survivors and share their message with the world in a dramatic yet respectable fashion. 

WHY: There were 30,658,721 child sex abuse reports on Facebook platforms (Instagram, Oculus, Metaverse, Facebook & WhatsApp in 2023) and just one was more than enough.

WHEN: In the next 6 months, we are assembling a team, actors and other stakeholders to bring our vision to life. We hope to have these short films complete by Q4 this year and then possibly entered into the film festival circuit.

WHO: We are looking for industry professionals of all kinds, as well as other stakeholders that will help support this project. We need donors who will understand the vision and help bring it to distribution. We will accept almost any supporter and all we’re asking for is distribution of our posters in high traffic public or workspace to be included in this project and listed as a supporter today!


You? Your businesses’ link here? Put your business here for FREE.

These are a list of our Project Supporters:

Educate. Advocate. Protect.